Minishs at the Beach
I love referrals! Last week, I had the pleasure of shooting a beach session with the Minishs who are friends with the Harmans. These two little ones were running all over the place and I had a nice little workout trying to keep up. I wasn't sure if the weather was going to hold up but then the sun broke through the clouds and flooded us with some nice golden light near the end of our time together.

I love the facial expressions in this photo!

Scott, I love No 2, what lens dude. Love the low sun as well,
I need to schedule some time for Wilmington, great beaches and light.
Max out on the that. Still practicing sprinting to get ahead of the bears.
T the Brit
Hey Tony...thanks! It's my Sigma 24-70 2.8. I'm currently in a love/hate relationship with that lens. Maybe it's just me but it seems like some days, the camera and that lens cooperate and on others they are just having a tiff. I always have my 50 1.4 with me just in case.
The beach can be hit or miss in the late afternoon hours during the summer. I never know if a thunderhead will form over top of me or if I'll get blasted with golden light. During this photo session, I experienced both within one hour...good ol' Southeastern NC weather!
Keep drinking the Red Bull and you'll be fine with the bears.
Scott, Great job!
Ones in white and the other is in black. What’s that remind you of? Great exsposure.
Hey all the way to the right of #3 if looks like a tall lady walking the beach with her sundress blowing in the ocean breeze, very cool.
Hey Kev, You're was like trying to expose for a white wedding dress & a black tux. I never noticed the way those sea oats are arranged in shot #3. It does look like a tall person walking in the background...weird.
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